Thursday, September 15, 2011
My Name
I tried my best with Paint to put it down:
The colors aren't quite right, and the angle you view it from isn't quite right, but that's sort of the idea. I'm not really a fan of how my name looks.
Note: Not all Staceys look like this. Just me. I graduated with a Stacey who's name was mostly white with a little light yellow and light blue.
Monday, September 12, 2011
I don’t like when pople use the word “associate” when talking about synesthesia
It just doesn’t sound right. It’s not associating. I kind of think it like, you don’t associate a wooden table with the color brown, it just is brown. That’s what it is, not an association. You don’t associate your mom with being a woman. She is a woman.
I associate Thanksgiving with Sacramento, because that’s where I would go to celebrate with family. I associate starch with itchiness, because I’m allergic. I associate cream savers with vomiting, because I got car sick and threw them up.
I don’t associate C with light blue. C is light blue. I don’t associate biting into an apple with yellow triangles. Biting into an apple is yellow triangles. Just like my headphones are male, and the sound of a wooden chair scraping against a wooden floor is a dark orange zig-zag.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Speaking in the synesthesia sense, listening to Arcade Fire's Neon Bible is an incredible experience.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Real Life Adventures